Ecological and economic damage means the monetary value of changes in the environment as a result of pollution. This includes the deterioration of human health due to air pollution, industrial waste. Mechanical damage occurs from hazardous waste. Further, these wastes enter the air, after which the conditions of life and activity change.
From here arise ecological, economic, social types of damage. Environmental damage is pollution of the environment.
The economic assessment of damage consists of the following costs:
- costs associated with changes in the environment;
- the cost of returning to the previous state;
- spending on non-refundable resources.
Air pollution is a serious problem.
The study estimated that air pollution was responsible for 5.5 million deaths.
Air pollution leads to cardiovascular disease. It also affects biodiversity. All of these have economic consequences that affect the decline in the rate of economic growth.
Economic consequences:
1.affects human health, agriculture these impacts may become more severe in coming time.
2.demand for energy will lead to an increase in emissions into the air.
The amount of pollution charges depends on the amount of damage. An economic assessment is also carried out for the social and moral type of damage.
There are two types of economic damage assessment: direct assessment and indirect assessment.
The first method is to collect a large amount of information. Then it is necessary to give an adequate monetary assessment of the incurred losses.
An indirect assessment is considered to be a simpler method of economic damage assessment. With this method, pollution is assessed by objects of pollutants.
in the past, agriculture has always had a positive impact on the landscape of the land. Today, the intensive development of agriculture, on the contrary, has negatively affected the environment.
The consequences are air and water pollution, which leads to various diseases. Еnergy consumption in European countries continues to grow and depends on the types of fuel.
Тourism continues to develop today and depends on transport, mainly from the car and air transport, which are harmful to the environment.
Mountains, oceans, seas are the favorite vacation places of tourists and unfortunately have already suffered from pollution.
Transport plays an important role in the economy, as it is used to transport raw materials. The least dangerous for the environment is rail transport.
Now each country aims to create safe vehicles for people's lives and at the same time environmentally friendly, without gas emissions into the air.
Solution of the problems
The Kyoto Protocol is an example of ecological economics: it is about developing the economy of a country with environmental restrictions.
Pollution taxes
The state sets standards and taxes. Considering cleanup costs, companies are allowed to pollute up to a certain level. Otherwise, the company pays taxes for damages.
Here, companies are given a bonus for working without harming the environment.
The goal of the ecologicaleconomy is the well-being of people, which includes the protection and restoration of nature, social justice.
The economy affects all branches of production, it also affects the environment and ecology. Manufacturing companies build wastewater treatment plants to keep the air and environment clean.
They organize events and raise money for the conservation of flora and fauna.
The development of the country's economy plays both a positive and a negative role.
The positive side is that production is growing and technology is improving. The state budget is increasing, which helps the nature protection fund.
The negative side is the increase in the number of people, pollution of nature and depletion of resources.
It is necessary to keep a balance between the development of the economy and the preservation of the purity of the environment.
Yaşam Ayavefe
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