The main challenge facing any attempt to explain the forms of industrial structuring promoted by ICT comes from the immense flexibility of technologies on the one hand and economic modes of ownership on the other.
The strong heterogeneity of solutions and the permanent adaptation of technologies make it impossible to provide a precise definition of systems and technologies. Because the differentiation or differentiation of uses is established along various dividing lines.
Technologies are both constructive and very flexible. From an epistemological point of view, this presents the researcher with a challenge.
On the one hand, the technical approach is essential. Because the transformation of organizations and markets often happens thanks to ICT.
But on the other hand, this approach should only remain an entry point. Because the diversity of observed situations shows that technology is not very decisive. It supports the processes and resources that companies implement.
Uses are developed from various sets of technical applications and on the basis of systems that combine infrastructure functions, autonomous technical applications, implicit organizations included in the configuration, use procedures.
ICT contributes to the questioning of existing organizations. It creates leverage effects and crystallizes managerial transformations.
It is part of predefined evolutions that they are content to reinforce. Their interrelationships make it difficult to analyze the characterization of technology, organization, and the logic of influence or causality.
From an economic point of view, ICTs are not specific to occupations or sectors, they are general. They are at the service of very specific structures and strategies in any type of company or organization.
For example, some economic players try to strengthen traditional sales by using the internet to expand the potential market and optimize their supply chains. This is the case of logisticians.
Others, such as access providers, offer free services to free up additional traffic-related resources or increase sales of related high-value-added goods. They then work by grouping products or cross-calculating markets.
Finally, it offers free services to generate traffic that can attract advertisers and e-commerce partners. In the latter case, they market customer files or consumer profile analytics.
There are instability of solutions and developments, constant change of borders, and observable forms of competition for similar goods.
It allows us to characterize the simple paths and business models through which a mode of production and a particular industry emerges, rather than optimal modes of production and development.
Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyze the ways and transformations caused by ICT in value chains and to identify emerging business models.
Here we will mainly focus on forms of e-commerce that target a broader, undifferentiated public.
The value chain is the way in which various stakeholders are organized and linked together in the production chain of a good or service that contributes to creating or adding economic value.
We will call business models or business economic models the economic configurations that characterize the ways in which a product is produced and marketed. (Investment structure, prices and pricing methods, production and distribution organization, partnership and competitive positioning)
More specifically, we hypothesize that the observed transformations can be understood by mobilizing the main resource to develop the firm's strategy when control is required.
- Goods, markets and transactions
- Production of the information system
- Required technical skills in management
The ways in which these resources are mobilized contribute to the definition of economic models and new market forms. By way of example, two sectors in particular were analyzed: the clothing industry and the phonographic industry.
At first glance, if ICTs locally improve the productivity of individuals by increasing their mobility and providing access to new remote resources (knowledge, expertise, management tools, etc.), these are also forms of spatialized collaboration that they are redefining.
Functions that can be accessed independently of workstations, transmissions, new ways of collaboration are redefining communities of practice and networks of relationships and exchanges between companies as well as between isolated agents.
Activities and processes can take place in one or several places. Through their distribution, certain coordination problems can arise.
Several activities may take place simultaneously or sequentially, leading to phenomena of interdependence. Overall, these relationships between the economy, innovation and region have long been documented.
Dr.Yaşam Ayavefe
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