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Electronic Resources and Networks


Created by BPI in 2005, the Carel program underwent a decisive transformation with the establishment of the “Réseau Carel” association on March 20, 2012.


Thus, its 23 founding members emphasized the promotion of electronic resources in public libraries, the importance of orientation and decision-making. They demonstrated their desire to build a network of local governments committed to promoting solidarity.



Previously, BPI unilaterally negotiated digital resources for all regional libraries. It offered a list of branded publishers and products on its website.


Today, one could argue that a large number of members, and thus potential client libraries, are about to negotiate with publishers more favorable economic models for public reading.

Network-supported replies and comments are all backed by negotiations. It also relies on an annual library electronic subscription survey, which are concrete arguments to be defended during the negotiations.


The exchanges between the negotiator and the publisher have been completed. The negotiated proposal was brought to the attention of the association office.


After more or less intense discussion and possible back and forth discussion, the office either approves or rejects the offer.


The Network site, which hosts the national catalog available to all, briefly presents all the electronic resources it has verified.


The members' section contains the economic model agreed upon by each resource. It presents a price chart and qualitative information associated with a rubric that gives technical specifications, strengths and weaknesses, and trade links. These pages are updated and commented by the members themselves.




The librarian is not a natural contact for some publishers who are unfamiliar with this medium and find it difficult to offer tailored offers to public libraries.


The greatest challenge for the negotiator also lies in the extreme heterogeneity of French regional libraries.


It offers a suitable offer to both a small municipal library in a rural setting, a departmental lending library and a municipality serving dozens of organizations.


The library with a regional profession does not come about easily. It is up to the negotiator to strive for a satisfactory balance for all members.

A charter on the main principles of access to electronic resources is currently being prepared to facilitate negotiations and reduce oscillations between publishers and negotiators.


It is divided into each resource category, as is the E-books working group, which was formed in October 2012 and published its recommendations on digital books in public libraries. (video games, youth, self-education, image and sound, press, etc.)


Thus, new thematic negotiators will emerge from these groups to support the only national negotiator currently working for the entire network.


Dynamic Corporate Documentary Network


The documentary network of the Total group has more than a hundred members. Documentaries, watchdogs, librarians, archivists, all information-documentation professions are represented there. They take place in all branches of the group.


electronic resources example

list of electronic resources

electronic resources in teaching

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electronic resources in libraries

introduction of electronic resources

electronic resources in libraries pdf

use of electronic resources in libraries




Employees of the group have access to local documentarians or more central and important services. These documentarians are generalists or more specialized.


They are distributed in different production and research locations of the group. They are also available in many countries (France, Belgium, Norway, Angola, Russia) as well as subsidiaries.


All these professionals know each other and can work together to complete research or monitoring. This network is transparent to the requesting user. It is guaranteed to receive a response from the authorized person or department.


This knowledge of network members allows for perfect coordination. It made it possible to provide the information needed by the crisis unit effectively and a tool was chosen for its dissemination.


There is a business manager whose role is to facilitate relationships between all members of the network, foster mobility and relationships with human resources (HR) managers, and promote internal knowledge, particularly about lines of business.


These are now fully accepted by human resources. Meetings are held regularly between career managers, heads of documentation services and line of business manager to encourage possible mobility and recruitment.




An information professions congress is held every two years. It brings all members together and discusses the projects carried out within the institution and strategic issues for the development of these professions.


Librarians, archivists, observers, document controllers, librarians from all over the world meet here for two days.


There are working groups on topics such as information resources or monitoring. They make it possible to progress in a coordinated manner on common themes and to share information.



A reflection continues around the tools used by each. Even if different tools are chosen according to the needs, information sharing is always ensured.


Dr.YAŞAM Ayavefe

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