© Kıbrıs Haber Sitesi 2023

Electronic Shopping


The extraordinary development of electronic information concerns any document collected and processed in a documentation center. Far from being a purely technical phenomenon, dematerialization brings major changes in the way content is distributed.


Until the 1990s, subscription management was an annual process based either on a direct relationship between publisher and customer or on the publisher, agency, customer triangle.


From now on, digital information is an international market and its development reveals new players: consortia, aggregators, platform managers including open archives, etc.

The information acquisition practices and working environment of librarians and documentarians were disrupted.

What is the new deal in terms of supply, players and reach? What consequences will digitization have on the intellectual and institutional organization of archives? What impact will the new forms of access have on applications?


Designed from a committed operational perspective, this dossier is part of the dynamics of the cross-union working group on subscriptions that includes ADBS.


It aims to help information professionals cope with the new requirements of their position in the purchasing process.


It also aims to provide some elements of reflection and analysis on issues that everyone should know and, if possible, master.


Massification and Globalization


The new agreement covers, above all, the explosion in knowledge production, the globalization of the offer and the dominance of major international broadcasting groups.


The proliferation of information resources creates a galaxy served alongside traditional players. It nurtures a supply market where new professions such as aggregators and platform managers are emerging.


With the strategy of conquering the user's workstation, companies are trying to form strong, multinational groups around high value-added products.


In the field of scientific knowledge, this is an important mode. There is a new marketing approach that university libraries have been implementing for several years.


It offers simplified access to a vast collection of journals, including those not needed, at an admittedly competitive cost. But it no longer allows professionals to choose the appropriate title selection for users.


Faced with this phenomenon, major research institutions are coming together. Some are developing free repositories on an enterprise basis.


Indeed, dematerialization destabilizes the traditional scheme of financing magazines by their readers.


It proposes an upstream corporate finance model that allows research results to be disseminated for free. Direct scientific communication logic also includes an institutional dimension in the archiving dimension.


Is the deposit requirement a sign of the big comeback of public institutions?


Now two opposing logics coexist:


Researchers and researchers based on upstream financing of activities and Profitability of high value-added products with information sharing among users and downstream financing by customer subscriptions.


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New Skills


In this case, the user is in a paradoxical position. He is a captive customer of very expensive and sometimes unsuitable professional information.


It also draws on currently free information resources from the research world. The acquisition policy should take into account both free resources and paid data.


On a daily basis, professionals must choose among content distribution formulas offered by publishers and aggregators while respecting the budget allocated to purchases. There, too, there is a new agreement.


The document is no longer just a carrier of information. It is also the object of a contract for access to the information it contains. And this contract itself is linked to rights granted or not granted by the author or producer.


Faced with this challenging exercise, the documentarian must develop new skills and become a dedicated buyer. Today, knowledge of content, distribution channels and marketing methods is essential.


In addition, libraries and documentary services are of great importance because of their important role in purchasing negotiations. They play a new role as technical operators with IT professionals to manage access and set up portals.


Without forgetting, it also provides the users with the necessary support in their research applications while developing its product and service range.


Another strong trend is grouping of buyers who want to take more weight against publishers considered very strong. This is how it chose to join forces to achieve better pricing conditions.


The emphasis on buying better is also done through public contracts. It can also mean pooling the skills and scope to run joint calls for tender.

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